
Sunday - 9AM Sunday School, 10:15AM Worship Service
Wednesday Evening Service- 6:30 PM
Thursday Evening-413Youth 6:00PM


407 N 6th St.
Canton, MO 63435



Welcome to First Baptist Church

We at First Baptist Church invite you to worship with us! No matter where you are at on life’s journey, you are welcome here!

We believe that God loves all of creation, and through Jesus Christ we are brought into fellowship with God. We are a family, proclaiming the love and grace of God, as found in God's Word. All are welcome at First Baptist Church - those who believe as well as those who are seeking.

At each service we gather for meaningful worship to study God’s word. We reach out with the heart of ministry to care for our neighbors in the name of Christ here and around the world. We have fun and fellowship in a variety of activities ranging from dinners to sporting events. As we work and worship together we find that our faith grows as we enjoy friends old and new.

You will discover many exciting opportunities at First Baptist Church. Our website is just the introduction to the spirit of our church. We want you to feel at home and comfortable here. We are pleased to welcome you as part of a growing Christian community.

Please join us for an upcoming worship service. There’s a place for you here at First Baptist Church.

Help For the Bridge's Family

Help for Bridge’s family: Spencer, son of Corey Bridges is undergoing treatments for Ewings Sarcoma Cancer. They are travelling to St. Louis every two weeks for appointments and treatments (will be doing so for 1 year). First, we ask that you pray for Spencer and their family. Also, we ask that you prayerfully consider giving a donation to help us buy gas cards for their travel and other expenses. Checks should be made to FBC with a notation “Bridges family,” or mark your cash envelope the same.

Pardon Our Mess

We’re under Construction

Construction work has begun on our new addition to connect the two buildings. We apologize for the inconvenience but during construction there will be NO parking beside Faith Auditorium on the south side of the building (in the alleyway). 

You are welcome to still use the alleyway to drop off your loved ones that may have challenges accessing the building. 

For your assistance, someone will be at the door before each service, to help you.

Please plan to park in the parking lot across the street from Faith Auditorium (on White Street), or along the street in front of the church office.

Thank you for your cooperation

Pastor Brian

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